Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Taming the mouth

I've realized lately that I have a tendency to bash people in my conversations when I have no intentions of doing so. It's easy for me to get caught up in a conversation and just say the first thing that comes to mind, but the first thing isn't always real edifying for anyone.

I felt a little convicted about things I said lately, so I've decided to get aggressive about keeping my mouth shut if I can't say something that will build someone else up.

So, for those of you who hear me in conversations, I'm asking you to hold me accountable. :)

Do any of you guys struggle with controlling what comes out of your mouth?


Echoes in Ink said...

Occasionally. My problem is that I am a very forgiving person, and I see things through rose-colored glasses. But once someone oversteps a boundary, I can't just ignore them or "not like them" the way other people do. I'm more likely to say something hurtful behind their back than kind - which is really uncommon with me. I have a hard time controlling my thoughts toward them, too. I'm working on that. And, thankfully, I only have this problem with about four people at any given time (it's not a common thing) Keeping a journal has helped.

Echoes in ink,

Natalie said...

Yeah, I've got that problem too. Only I tend not to say what I meant in a very clear manner. So, half the time I have to ask for forgiveness and a second chance to make my point more clearly.

Judi said...

More stupid things come out of my mouth than anything else..
It's really kinda should ask me one day about Count Dracula/Chocula you won't regret it :P

Becky said...

Absolutely have that problem. I also don't like it when I think of something nice to say when everyone else is talking bad about someone and then I don't say it. Such as at the Zesch's when everyone was talking about some guy I've never met and making fun of Jenny for being nice to him, I wanted to say good for Jenny for not giving in to what everyone else was doing, and that it must be really hard to do when all your friends don't like someone.... even though I have been on the talking bad about one side way more than I'd like to admit before, and is something I've been trying to change for a couple months's hard...

Krissy said...

I think we've all had that problem at one point or another. Every so often I catch myself in the act and step back ask for forgiveness and try to rephrase things.