Monday, May 18, 2009

Paint Ball!

I took some time on Sunday to go and roll in the dirt with paint splattering around me. This activity is better known as paintball, and I had a blast!

The place where we played, some friends and my two brothers, has a bunch of courses you can decide to play on.

My favorite has got to be the one called "The Alamo." This course lives up to the name.

It's located in a heavily wooded area, which makes for a lot of cat and mouse games through the brush. I was the last one standing for a few of the rounds in the woods, which I enjoyed because you get to sprint around a lot.

A thing I really put to good use in those games is sprinting, which makes it hard for the balls to burst on me.

As a sidenote, the guys working at the course missed a lawsuit by an inch. Literally. Those who were under 18 had to sign a paper supposedly from their parents, and they kind of forged a few signatures.

Nothing wrong, unless someone gets hurt. That's where I come into play.

I always check the safety on the rental guns when they give them to me. This time I got a gun, checked it, and then they gave me another one and for some reason I thought I'd checked that one already. I was doing a bit of work to get it ready for the round when "POP!"

One of the rounds from my gun splattered right by my friend's head.