Sunday, May 24, 2009

Across the Aisle

I done "gaduated"! In other words, I've graduated!

I'm glad that's finally done. It wasn't too stressful (mom and sisters are great people to have when it comes to decorating and invitations) but it's still one more thing off the list of things I need to complete. I did the opening prayer and set a new record for myself on how many people I've spoken in front of (there being about 350 people in the sanctuary I think).

The graduation ceremony would likely have blown you away if you've never attended a homeschool graduation. For instance, Logan walked down the aisle with his diploma with a saber to the music of The Pirates of the Caribbean.

As a homeschooler, my parents gave me my diploma and at that point they get to say something about me. I nearly cracked up on stage!

I'll post some photos when I get them. Here are some pictures of me moving out of the house last week for now (I know, I'm bad about keeping things updated :))

(Combining my Alaskan and Texan backgrounds)

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Natalie said...


Jamin said...

Thanks! Not bad for a kid who wasn't supposed to be able to read or write, if I do say so myself. Not to sound concieted or anything :)

Edge said...

Wow, a lot of people I know are graduating/have graduated! That's awesome! Congrats and good luck next fall!

Ian said...

1) Congratulations on graduating!

2) Congratulations on moving out! How'd it go/How's it going?

3) I don't think I have a third thing to say..but the graduation sounds hilarious!

I have a year and less than three weeks to go before I graduate. The reality that comes as it gets closer is both exciting and kind of shocking.


Jamin said...

Thanks a bunch, Ian. Moving out is new experience. Suddenly all that stuff you've been learning over so many years comes into full effect when you move out!

Yeah, it will hit you like a ton of bricks when it happens :)

Araken said...
