Saturday, December 19, 2009

Let's See

There's been a bunch of stuff going on around me lately so I'll give some highlights.

I finished my first semester! (scored a 3.3, which I'm a little disappointed about. I could have scored better, but it was HARD to take Sociology seriously)

Been writing for the newspaper (Got to interview a Col. again this year. Cool)

Did a HOF Christmas party

Been working like a maniac at my job. Like, I've put in about 45+ or so hours this week. That's alright. I always will take extra time on the clock because it means more $$$.

Went to the lake yesterday. It's great to go there because it's a good place to go and think. It's quiet and the scenery is pretty good for TX. I took my guitar along, which made it better. :)

Been thinking about maybe getting a minor in some ag degree. Maybe. I'm still set on being a missionary, but I want something I can do in the "real world" too. Besides, I might be able to use that degree depending on where I go. Considering a job in ag for the summer so I can try it out a bit.

Been using a huge arctic sleeping bag for the past couple nights when I go to sleep...the thing's so heavy that rolling over is a chore. I actually feel exhausted when I wake up jk

That's about all I can of.

How 'bout yourself?

Oh yeah, as you probably noticed, I got a new background. It's been about 2-3 years, so I figured it was about time.


Jared said...

Nice background! It looks good. :)

a minor in ag? is this a new development?? lol

Natalie said...

What a.... umm... unique background. I thought Groundhogs day was in February :D

Araken said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Jamin
Glad to hear you survived your first semester. Yeah, Sociology really never appealed to me either. I, too, could not take it seriously. Making a science out of something like that is reaching kind of low. It is kind of like making a science out of Bugs Bunny. Yeah, I still can't take it seriously.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Love you

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Ground hog????? I'll help you with this when you are home. ::snort::

3.3 isn't bad considering all the hours you work, writing the newspaper, HOF and the playing you've been doing. Pretty good, really. LOL

Jamin said...

I've been looking for something I can do on the side for a while now, so it's not completely new. lol I'm talking to Jim Farmer (a local missionary at CCSA) tomorrow so I can get a lot of questions answered like "what would be useful to be able to do over there?"

I'm taking an animal science class this semester for two reasons: it will give me a feel of whether I enjoy ag or not, AND it will count as a science towards my EBC stuff.

I just got caught up in the spirit and couldn't wait this year, Natalie! lol

Sociology: liberal doctrine that's presented as a science. obnoxious stuff to have to read. got tired of being called a WOM (white oppressive male)

Hey, don't knock Bugs Bunny! I'm taking that course next semester. jk :)

What can I say? I had a top-of-the-line teacher for my schooling career :)