Saturday, June 6, 2009

Locked Cars, Tired Runners, and Slim Jims

I rolled out of bed this morning and thought I'd treat myself to something I hadn't tried before; a run on the trails out at a lake nearby.

After I arrived, I locked my door and went for a good 4.5-5 mile run around trails I'll never be able knewledgably navigate.

THEN I got back to the car, stretched, and reached for the car door handle. It was locked, and I'd thrown the keys inside the car without thinking about it because my running shorts didn't have pockets.

So there I was...out by a Texan lake (at least 5 miles to get into town), with a locked door and my legs already tired out.

Let me say here I REALLY considered busting my windshield. I'm getting it replaced anyway, right? Crazy things like that come into your head when you're in the middle of nowhere.

I stopped a guy and asked if he had a cell phone.

"You want to use my Slim Jim?" he said.

I laughed as well as I could while thinking, Do I look so stressed that he thinks I want food?

Turns out a Slim Jim isn't also a stick of jerkey, which is good because I didn't want anyone to see me trying to pick a lock with jerkey. It's a kit to unlock doors. I didn't ask why the guy thought he needed a kit like that, but we popped the door open without me breaking anything!


rize said...

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SPY Gadgets

Hope u like it..

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

This cracks me up! I love it. Hope you enjoyed the run...and glad you didn't crash the windshield....

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

BTW everyone in Hardin remembers you and wishes you well - several want your address, send it to me after you mail.