Saturday, March 7, 2009

My family is moving

Alright, I'm moving out of my house from Texas to Oregon in a few months. My family is military, so I knew they'd be going somewhere as well. Not a bad thing.

They'll might be nearby and I'll be able to visit.

That's a big laugh...they're moving to Japan! This is going to be an interesting 3 years. I'll have 2 sisters in Oregon, a brother in Texas, and that's it on this continent.

But I can't wait to visit.


Araken said...

Wait, so where will you live if you're family's going to Japan? And how come you aren't going with them? I don't get the whole 'military family' thing.

Jamin said...

I'll be moving to Oregon to go to college. I could go with them and get some classes there, but I'm pretty set on EBC. Yeah, military life is a little unstable!

Araken said...

Gotcha. Still a bit confused, though

Anonymous said...

You know, I think this is going to be a great thing for you Jamin! Besides, your parents seemed to have raised you to be a very mature, capable person...yes, I think you'll like this new adventure. =)

Jamin said...

Thanks...You know, I still find it hard to envision myself as a missionary, but I'm sure God gets a kick out of it. :)

Camden said...

Woah, moves are always interesting experiences. :P
