Monday, March 30, 2009

Meet the Feds

Had an interesting morning today.

I was engrossed in a Spanish test at my desk with earphones rammed into my ears when my younger sister walked in and said, "Mom says there's someone who wants to talk to you."

When I got into the room, I met a guy with a leather binder, a badge, and a bunch of questions about someone I knew a while back. At first I thought, Oh no! I'll fill out that W2 form! I promise! It's not even April 15.

Turns out the person I knew from work is applying for top secret clearance, and the agency came to ask questions about him. I recommended he talk to my older brother for more information, and he surprised me by pulling out my bro's cell number!

Near the end he said he was impressed by how calm I was compared to everyone he usually interviews. I've done my fair share conducting interviews, so it felt good to be the one who just answered questions. :)

By the way, does anyone know the rules about taking photos from Wikipedia and using them for private use on a blog?


IdinaTook said...

WOAH! I would have been NERVOUS!!! nice.

Natalie said...

You can use pictures from Wikipedia, unless it tells you differently on the page below the picture.

Edge said...

I am sooooo jealous. That's awesomeness in a box.

Jamin said...

The dude (gentleman, I guess I should say) was pretty cordial, so it was hard to get nervous, actually.

Thanks, Natalie!

That's gonna give me some conversation starters for a few days, Edge!