Monday, April 27, 2009

I'm Not Going Anywhere!

As you all know, I've planned to move to Eugene Oregon for a while so I could attend college.

The move would have been tough. I like the people here in West Texas, and I have to admit they've been converting me a little to the Texan side.

The possibility of me staying at first didn't seem plausible, till I started looking at the logistics:

The college here in town is X3 cheaper than the one in Oregon
I can take general classes and transfer them
I have a steady job here...a nice change in outlook since Oregon has the second highest unemployment rate in the nation
I get to "bacht" it with my older brother for about 2 years!

Another benefit is I didn't know if I could say bye to the people here! My family will still be moving, being military, but I'm not going anywhere...except an apartment somewhere. I guess I still get to visit them once a year.

The future's looking up! Glad that decision is out of the way. I'd better tell my boss before he hires someone to replace me.


Heather said...

So glad you'll be stay, at least for a little while. This little town does grow on a person! ;)

Jacob R Parker said...

I've just skimmed through your blog, and may have missed it, but what are your books about?

Jamin said...

Yeah...I try not to admit it too often. :)

J.R., I've written two books in the fantasy genre. The first is a tangle of plots and names I hope to straighten out some day.

The second is called The Leper King, and is about a prince who's father banished him to the leper colony after he contracted leprosy. Years later, this young man has to rise from the depths of his dispair to save his father's kingdom from a horde of barbarians.

Natalie said...

You'll have to tell us about your apartment hunting adventures.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you aren't leaving...HOF wouldn't be the same without you!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I'm glad that you'll be staying here.....and still working towards your will all work out.