Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Trends can set you ahead of other writers if you pay attention. I'm not talking about copying other writers' work; I'm talking about surveying the public mood to see what people want/expect.

For example, following 9/11, portraying an antagonist with the characteristics of a terrorist would have struck a chord with readers.

Again, think about the Left Behind series. Jerry Jenkins didn't know it, but the public anticipation of the end of the world around 2000 accelerated the sales on the first book.

Now, try applying stuff like that to feel for how you should write to fit the public mood. What do people expect from a hero? How do people perceive the world around them?

As depressing as some of those answers can be, keeping the radar up for changes will help you pitch your work.

I have to go through all 350 pages of my second book to change the sentence length and structure. I need to have it finished before February. This might be a hectic Christmas season!

Hey, by the way, do any of you have Facebook?


Kiwi da Fruit said...

Hey, Jamin.
sorry about how slow I am at commenting! I've had a busy week.

Good grief, does Everybody have Facebook except me?? I've been asked that question recently. By famous people. Who said I should give them my blog address. =D You'll have to read my next post to find out more.
I think I'll start checking out Facebook and see what it's all about.

Echoes in Ink said...

No facebook. Sorry.

By the way, why do you have to finish that all up by February?


Jamin said...

I'm going to a conference in Feb. and it would be good if I could say I have a finished manuscript.

Ian said...

*sighs* I want to finish my book over Christmas break and start editing it....I set a personal, fairly meaningless goal to get a whole lot of that done by the end of Februrary. (If I had the money to go the the Florida Christian Writer's Conference, this goal would be a lot more important.)

I've got facebook. Don't go on much, though...


Araken said...

Kiwi- I too have no facebook. I break up non-facebookers anonymous meetings by standing up and shouting, "I don't have facebook and I'm proud of it!"

I need to work on a chapter or two to get ready for the Florida Christian Writer's Conference...anybody else goin'?

Judi said...

What?? Every teen in america should have a facebook..i can't believe this..

Ian said...

I plan on making major modifications to my facebook account (i.e. getting rid of a bunch of "friends"), and I might end up deleting my account altogether because I barely use it.

Araken, I really want to go (in case you didn't know from your comments on your blog :P), but I can't. Sighs.


Jamin said...

Wow...looks like Facebook is a hot topic!

Could you give me a hint so I can find you, Ian?

Well, I wish I could say I was, Araken. I'll pitching my work to Rick Steele and Luke Hinrichs. That would be cool if we got the same guys!

Ian said...

Jamin, I think I'd feel better if you gave me a hint to find you...

If necessary, I can give you my email address, which is plenty sufficient to find me on facebook.


Jamin said...

My name is Jamin Go on Facebook. If there is still more than one person (unlikely) I'm the one with spiky hair and a military guy standing behind me.

Ian said...

Okay, I'll try to find you and tell you who I am...I might end up creating a whole new account...after all, I still only know you over the internet, and you can never be too careful concerning the internet.

Plus, I want to delete my current account anyway.


Kiwi da Fruit said...

Well, good. I'm glad I'm not the only one. (w/out facebook, I mean. :)
Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Hey I saw you mentioned the Left Behind series by Tim LeHaye? I know they are trying to build a community of us fans of the series. If you want to join the group we are at

Camden said...

I am among the group of 'don't have a facebook' and 'I'm currently trying to convince my parents to get me a facebook account.'
