Monday, September 1, 2008

My First Car Accident

I have to learn how to drive a manual transmission before I can have my driving license. I drove for about 40 minutes and felt fairly confident. Then my dad threw me the keys to drive across my town. Intense.

For those of you have experience with a manual, you'll know it takes some getting used to. I lived (with a few tense moments) through the ride, and was less than a half-mile from my destination when I came to a yield sign.

I stopped.

The lady in a Jeep behind me didn't.

The car jolted and threw me forward. My dad's eyes blazed as his gaze darted everywhere. "What happened!"

Fortunately the accident wasn't my fault and no one was hurt. I might have a phobia about driving a manual, but I'll swallow it. My dad and the lady exchanged insurance info. and phone numbers, while I realized I was going to be late for work when it was so close!

I will learn how to drive a manual, even if it kills me (or totals my dad's car).


Paris said...

My whole family says they'd never ride in the car with me driving!

Edge said...

Ooh! That's awful! At least you're learning manual...I had the opportunity to drive a 1967 Stingray Corvette but had to pass because I can't drive manual *sniffs*. At least the accident wasn't your fault.

Judi said...

I agree with Paris, I don't think anyone from my family would like to ride in a car that I'm driving, except for maybe my mom...and she'd deck herself out in full football gear to brace the impact. I don't even have my learner's permit yet, I had to go to the eye doctor first.

Ian said...

Wow...I'm worried enough about driving an automatic! But standard transmission sounds kind of fun....:)

I'm going to take the test to get my learner's license soon...tomorrow I think...*bit nervous*


Jamin said...

I still don't like riding with my sister, and she's 21. There were times I said my last prayers when we were half way to our desitination, Paris.

It wasn't my fault, Edge, but it kinda stinks for both parties anyway. It turns out the lady was military and stationed on the same base my dad dad, the Major. I'm sure she was a little imtimidated!

Dark Knight just doesn't compare to your moves on the road, Judi! :)

Well, it SOUNDS fun till you stall the car for the first time. I hope your test goes well, Ian! Did you see some mowing tips I posted in the comment section of the last post?

Kiwi da Fruit said...

Oh, scary! I'm taking the learner's permit test on Thursday, so this post was just in time to thoroughly freak me out!

Judi said...

The Dark Knight?? Oh that's real nice, Jamin...thanks alot..I hope my mom doesn't hear about that...she'll never let me on the road. :D

Jamin said...

WHAT'S UP WITH THE SMILEY AT THE END OF THAT COMMENT! It looked like the Joker, while we're talking about the DK. Great... now I don't trust my dad's manuel car or smiley faces after watching DK.

What next? Whinnie the Pooh reveals his secret indentity is Vin Deisel?

Judi said...

I love that smiley...and just so you know, I didn't see the Dark Knight, but alot of people told me that it was..for lack of a better word...scary.
So when you commented on my driving, I took it as an insult, even though it was funny. :D :D :D

Raleigh Crowl said...

I’m glad that no one was hurt in that accident. You’re right. Manual transmission does take some time to get used to. I hope everything was sorted out fine with the lady, and that the damage to your car was subsequently repaired without shelling out too much cash.

Javier Hoppes said...

Hah, before I started driving, my friends told how hard it was to learn manual if you first learned how to drive automatic. I therefore learned how to drive manual first before transitioning to automatic. Anyway, I hope you didn’t spend too much money in fixing the car.

Unknown said...

It seemed like you had a bit of a bad start as a stick-shift driver. Anyway, I hope you pursue your goal to learn it regardless how bad the experience might be. Since you exchanged info with the lady, I assume she paid for the expenses you incurred due to the accident. I hope things went smoothly for you after this incident. Be safe!

Nannie Leick